About Us

Ardent Spacers is a long-term project finally coming to completion, based on the team’s love of sci-fi stories. Most of the Fakelore Games team’s first player experience of LARPs were sci-fi games, so it was only a matter of time before we decided to run one ourselves!
Our goal is to create a collaborative, optimistic futuristic setting, where characters strive towards a hopeful future and work together to defend against oppressive forces. The story is about surviving and thriving in the face of these threats, and taking steps to secure everyone’s futures.
After our initial event in 2025, we’re hoping to run large events twice a year from 2026 onwards, with the possibility of social and sanctioned events.
Fakelore Games is a LARP studio based on the south coast of England, producing small to medium scale events at a range of venues. We’re a small team of creatives working to bring a range of worlds to life, with our core team supported by new volunteers specific to each game system.
In 2022 we ran our first game, Into the Spirit World, inspired by folklore and Studio Ghibli films. In 2023 we started our first limited-run game Asphodel, an Ancient Greek underworld game, and now are planning our first continuous campaign game Ardent Spacers.
We have a whole host of game we want to run in the coming years – follow us on social media to keep informed about what’s next!
The Ardent Team
There are currently 10 team members working on developing Ardent Spacers, and we’ll be looking at adding more as the initial development approaches completion. If you’d like to get involved, get in touch!

Keith Chester
Game Creator & Lead Mechanicshe/him
Keith is a prop modelmaker working for film, theatre, and LARP as part of Dragon Armoury. He’s been LARPing since 2013, and in that time he mostly worked on Green Cloaks LARP, where he led running the GOD admin desk at the system’s peak (200+ attendees), and was later a faction referee. Currently, he’s running Asphodel LARP and LARP Season. He also really likes lizards.

Becky Green
Project Manager & Lead Artistshe/her
Lead visual designer with a love of sci-fi that ranges from Azimov to Gibson, one broken battle bot that really needs to be repaired and a collection of facts that makes her an amazing guest at trivia night. With many years of experience attending LARPS and many more doing graphic design, it’s only natural that she joined a project that lets her do both.

Polymer Despair
Lead Writerthey/them
POLYMER DESPAIR is a writer and designer with a background in interactive fiction and an eye for the macabre, the marvellous and the morbid. Beyond the world(s) of LARP, they’re currently play-testing a 20th century gothic fantasy tabletop setting called RATCUTTLE ROW. They were raised on Discworld and old-school Doctor Who, and in their spare time they collect porcelain clowns.