Kessler: Clothing
Kesslerans are eccentric upcyclers, mashing clothes and equipment and let’s face it, anything they can get their hands on. Their clothes are an extension of their self expression, with no desire to wear perfectly matching uniforms like Marzionites and no access to the high-end retail shops on Viront Z85. So instead, they do what they love: getting their hands dirty and making it themselves.
Dress code: Scrappy, strange, cobbled together. Repurposed materials, including those that weren’t intended to be worn – Kesslerans are all about recycling. Gas masks, hazard tape, jangling souvenirs of the worlds you’ve visited and scavenged from.
Possibilities: Kesslerans are experimental to a fault, and stubborn about replacing their work gear. Spruce up your duds with imitation acid burns, scorch marks, tears and hasty repairs, laser holes: the kind of damage that tells a story (of science gone awry).
Avoid: Lab coats and clean suits, and anything else that resembles sterile contemporary science – Kessler is more of a mad alchemist’s lab fused with a scrap heap than anything resembling a modern faculty.

Stereotypical Look: Recycled Workgear
Kesslerans follow their own code of fashion, cobbling together anything that takes their fancy.
- Tools of the trade: Start with a predictable outfit for your profession, and be prepared to modify it heavily.
- Metal tech: Sew, glue, and bolt on upcycled spaceship parts, tech, and anything that catches your eye.
- Paint: Make things more unique by painting on your outfit, adding personal touches to bring everything together with matching accent colours or repeating symbols.
- Grime: The recycling station isn’t clean, and Kessleran clothes should all be heavily weathered.
- Bits of old tech, bottle caps, and upcycled materials are used to accessories outfits.
- Dull or dark makeup across the eyes is common, applied unevenly by hand.
Designing Groups
- Kessleran groups should have a cohesive style inspiration, but the planet doesn’t have a set visual identifier for groups beyond this. Think of the items that would’ve been salvaged and parts shared amongst group members.
Design Caution
- Dull outfits can easily look too much like a Sultonian. Add some bright fabric or plaint and some obviously recycled accessories to make the look firmly Kessleran.
- Be aware of what recycled parts you’re adding to your costume, and how combat appropriate they are. Metal spikes and ragged metal may look cool but if it’d injure you if fallen onto, it shouldn’t be added to kit.