Aliens of the Alliance
There are dozens of alien species within the galaxy, with six available to play at the start of the game and members of the Alliance.
Homo sapiensHumans have two arms, two legs, and a lot to prove. The person reading this is probably a human, or looks a lot like one!
Playing as a human will suit players that want to be very flexible with their kit requirements, and who want to put their own spin on the alien landscape around them –being down to earth doesn’t mean you have to stay there.
Homo factum [provisional]Anthroids are robots made by humans in the image of humans: a synthetic species exploring its own place in the galaxy.
Playing as an anthroid will suit players who want to play as robots and engage with philosophical questions about life, technology and the mind – or just to make jokes about drinking coolant.
Stilio probehemotiSkala are lizards that are used to living in tunnels, like ants or rabbits. In spite of their cold blood, they’re usually very friendly.
Playing as a skala will suit players who want to don horns, scales and tails – and who want to learn how to be individuals, now that they’re away from the hives and in-group mentality that defined life on their homeworld.
Oculoptera avolitansVari are insect-like people that evolved in an incredibly hostile landscape, with huge antenna to detect even bigger threats.
Playing as a vari will suit players who want to play as sensitive survivalists, who feel things very keenly. It will also suit anyone who wants to be a bug, but that goes without saying.
Pictauris acuminataTever are elven, in a word, with pointed ears, facial markings and a lifestyle traditionally based around territories and ambushes.
Playing as a tever will suit players who want a simple kit with a distinct culture: proud and self-possessed, but still keen to prove themselves. It will also be great for anyone who wants to be an elf, a hunter, a tracker, or all three.
Bibo digicapitusOmdua resemble jellyfish on two legs. They mimic the shape and speech of other creatures they encounter in an effort to fit in.
Playing as an omdua will suit players who want to be weird, but nice. Their fluid body and mind are outré compared to singular and solid species, giving them a unique perspective: plus, you get to be a big jellyfish!