The Ardent Initiative

A scientific mission to expand the horizons of the Alliance of Mutual Species by encountering the new and exploring the unknown


The Ardent is a key initiative for the Alliance; more than just a practical mission, it embodies the values of the Alliance and is the standard bearer for the kind of galaxy the Alliance’s people wish it to be. All eyes will be upon it, wishing for its success or hoping to tear it down as evidence of failure or hypocrisy.

The Ardent will be operating at long distances, encountering many things which simply cannot be anticipated and operating with a lot of autonomy. Rather than give the crew a strict list of rules of engagement, the Ardent instead has a constitution setting out, at a high level, the core values the whole crew are expected to use to guide them, especially in interacting with new peoples or undiscovered phenomena.

The four key values of the Constitution are as follows:

  • Respect the autonomy of all peoples
  • Learn, explore, and gather information about the universe
  • Act to prevent harm, and avoid causing harm where possible
  • Present the opportunities of the Alliance to those you encounter

The Constitution aside, in any given mission or scenario, the crew are expected to use their judgement and abilities to assess how to proceed in a way that benefits the Alliance, the mission, the ship, and those they meet, although not necessarily in that order.

The Constitution in its current form was agreed by a joint council and ratified by the Alliance political machinery, owing to the importance of the mission. This doesn’t mean it can’t ever change however, especially if the crew are able to make a compelling case for it…

Law and Order

The crew of the Ardent are subject to the laws of the Alliance in their interactions with each other and all life they encounter. This is to ensure the mission is not derailed by criminal activity, that the moral ethos of the mission is upheld and seen to be upheld, and because all crew members are Alliance citizens with inalienable rights; rights which are extended to those they meet.

Although not exhaustively listed here, all crew are subject to the typical laws you might expect, including laws against murder, torture, theft, as well as specific laws against undermining or endangering the mission. Use of force is permitted where proportionate and necessary to the success of the mission, a standard by which all crew can expect to be judged. Crew are also expected to follow the Constitution to the best of their ability and in good faith, although it is noted that there is significant leeway and interpretation involved in this by design.

Crew who are, to a reasonable degree of certainty, found to have broken the law may find themselves subject to sanction by the Command Staff of the Ardent, including temporary or permanent loss of rank or compensation. As punishment for the most serious transgressions, a crew member may be placed into cryo-confinement pending their return to the Alliance core worlds for trial. It is hoped this will never need to be used but, if it is, this is a one-way trip. The Alliance does not carry the death penalty for any crime.

A-COM legal officers are primarily responsible for enforcement of law on the ship, although crew from other divisions may be enlisted on a case-by-case basis for specialist skills or to ensure a fair and transparent process. The A-COM Command Staff have the final say on legal matters.

It is accepted that the Ardent may find itself up against adversaries who do not play by the same rules. It is also noted that there may be good reasons for breaking laws, and that not all who do so are caught or punished. It is down to the crew to decide how to stand for their values when they find themselves tested.

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