Ship Store
The Ardent has a basic stock of resources, equipment, and expendable items for use on its mission. As time progresses, it will become increasingly important to maintain this stock level, ensuring there is never a shortage of resources for the Life Support System or medicine in Kenolab for example.
Ship Shop
There is a stock of basic items and equipment for players to purchase in the Ship’s Shop. Everything available at character creation will be purchasable here, alongside specific plot-dependent items obtained through trade deals with local planets.
This shop will also buy certain items from players, albeit for a lower price than you’d get for it elsewhere.
If you don’t spend all your character creation money, it will be saved as vouchers usable at this shop.
Mission Loans
Some missions will have a budget for additional items and equipment.
- Loaned items must be returned to the ship after the mission; whoever signs them out will have to pay for any losses.
- Budgeted items, such as medical supplies, do not need to be returned. The mission leader will choose how to spend the budget and is responsible for distributing the items.
You are responsible for keeping yourself well equipped. If you lose your equipment, you will have to buy new equipment from the ship or work for an NPC to pay off your debts (this option is to make sure no player is left with nothing).