AI Stance
Fakelore Games supports human artists and creativity. We do not support the use of generative AI.
You may not use generative AI content, art, or writing during our events or on our official social media platforms.
Guidance for Official Game Production
We do not support the use of generative AI for the production of any of our games or products, and if any of our team members intentionally or unintentionally use it, we will seek to remove this content from our projects with immediate effect.
Guidance for Artists
We realise that many art programs now mark files produced as “made with AI”, and that this stamp does not accurately reflect whether generative AI was used to produce the file.
AI art is not supported or welcome at any of our games or on our social media platforms. Anyone found to be producing or posting AI content will be asked to remove it immediately, or it will be removed by a moderator.
Guidance for Writers
We realise that AI is being implemented more and more heavily in certain writing apps, especially for spelling and grammar checking. Supportive tools like this, which only minorly change content and have existed for decades, are still permitted.
For writers, we explicitly ban the use of generative AI to create passages of text from prompts. This includes prompt-based edits for existing passages of text.
Guidance for Photographers
Programs such as Adobe Lightroom have added generative AI to their workflow and made it incredibly easy to use this in standard photo editing. We encourage all photographers attending our events to avoid using this feature, and to limit any actual use to content that could be reasonably generated from within your own work (i.e. as a stamp/replace tool to turn a soda can into grass). It should not be used to create new content for images (i.e. to create a castle or spaceship in the background, or replace a gazebo with a canvas marquee).
We wish for photographs to reflect the true nature of the events and venues.
If generative AI is clearly used by our official photographers in their official photosets, we will request the removal of the offending images.
Identifying and Reporting AI Content
If you suspect a piece of work contains generative AI content, please report it directly to us using one of the official contact channels.
We realise it may not always be easy to identify existing AI content, for example with art used in Pinterest boards, and will politely request its removal once it has been identified as such. Accidental sharing of existing AI work will not be used against anyone.
We have zero tolerance for AI generative content being produced explicitly for use at our games.
If a member of the public posts AI content to one of our official social media platforms, you are welcome to politely question whether it is AI and link them to this webpage, but please also tag or report it to a page admin so they can investigate and leave it to them to moderate. Please limit your engagement beyond this: we don’t wish to give AI content any more attention or space on our pages than necessary, nor keep them at the top of social media pages due to high comment engagement.