Accessibility Statement

Fakelore Games is dedicated to providing accessible immersive events. We aim to make reasonable adjustments and provide support to disabled and injured attendees, to enable everyone to enjoy their experience with us.

If you have any particular needs that aren’t covered by this statement, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at Additionally, we welcome feedback on our policies and any help others give to identify problems, and will review and update this document regularly.

We value accessibility above immersion, but will strive for both. Any accessibility requirements are never considered immersion breaking.

This document also outlines our minimum requirements for venues we hire. From 2025, we will only ever go below these requirements for limited capacity test events, and will clearly publish in advance if this occurs.


For any access questions or concerns, please email

Proving Access Needs

We will not usually ask for proof for most access needs. We trust participants to ask for what they need, and abide by the spirit of the rules.

See: Code of Conduct

3.7 You must not challenge another participant’s right to use aids and adaptations put in place for disabled or injured attendees.
3.7.1 Not every disability is visible or disclosed, and no attendee is required to disclose details or requirements to anyone outside of event safety or medical personnel.
3.7.2 Many disabilities or injuries are variable in their requirements; just because you saw someone walk or run unaided, does not mean they can do so consistently.
3.7.3 If you are certain someone is repeatedly using a facility or service they openly admit they don’t have a need for, to the detriment of disabled or injured attendees, you may report this to the Event Organiser to deal with. You must not publicly complain about the matter or take matters into your own hands.


Concession Pricing

Concession tickets are available to help low-income individuals, offering a £15 discount.

To apply, simply choose the concessions option on the ticket page. In the “Add Notes” section of the purchase, please state the reason from the following list, and if required, name your carer.

You are eligible for a concession ticket if one of the following applies:

  • In receipt of state benefits
    • Including Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance, and the State Pension
  • Are a carer for an individual who is eligible for concessions or can overwise prove they require assistance (such as individuals with care needs that are not in receipt of Disability Living Allowance).

We allow participants to self-declare whether they are eligible for concessions; they will need to state which reason they are declaring under, but will not generally require proof unless we are given reason to question eligibility. This is an honour-based system.

Concessions apply to the person the ticket is for, based on their eligibility at the time of purchase, and not the person who purchases the ticket. If you accidentally incorrectly purchase concession tickets, or wish to swap your concession ticket to a regular priced ticket to support the game, there will be an option in the shop added closer to the event.

Carer Tickets

Carer ticket options are agreed on a case by case basis depending on the individual’s level of requirements, as well as our per-person running costs. As a guideline:

  • If a carer is required to accompany the individual they are caring for at all times, will only be minimally engaging in the event and are there primarily to fulfil the care requirements of the individual, the carer will be granted a free ticket (or a highly discounted ticket if a venue has high per-person costs).
    • Please email in to to book onto an event. We will at this point make you aware of any costs for your ticket, and hold a ticket for yourself and the individual needing care if there are limited tickets left. You’ll be sent a link to a custom payment page where you can pay for yourself (if applicable) and the individual you’re caring for as one transaction.
  • If the carer will be fully engaging in the event themselves but is required to give part-time care in order for the individual to attend, they will be eligible for the standard concession.
    • You should book a ticket as normal, selecting the Concessions ticket type. When prompted to “Add Notes” to your purchase, write down that you are a carer and for who. This person should also name you as their carer when they purchase their ticket, if done separately.

You do not need any form of documents to prove your carer status.

Combat and Non-Combatant Rules

If you play in one of the dedicated large-scale battles at the event, you must also volunteer to help crew the battle you do not play. If you have any conditions that would prevent this or make you unable to participate in more than one battle during an event, please speak to us and we will make alternative arrangements to suit your needs.


If you are unwilling or unable to take part in combat for any reason, you can mark yourself as a non-combatant. Non-com status is designed to physically protect individuals who may be more likely to be injured if hit in combat, or who have limited mobility. The aim is to allow these individuals to fully participate in the game and even out the playing field a bit.

To stop potential combat, use the STOP: THUMBS DOWN hand gesture. Make this gesture if anyone is moving towards you looking like they’re going to fight you, and they must stop. If this symbol is missed, state “NON-COM” to share your status.

We realise non-com ability is variable; it is down to the individual how often they wish to mark themselves as non-com during a weekend. It is perfectly acceptable to state you are or aren’t non-com whenever you like, including part-way through missions (for example, starting to use the NO GO gesture after a short fight because you can only manage short stints and need to opt-out of the rest of the combat).

Non-Com Guidance

  • You should move away from high-risk situations (ie the front line of a large battle).
  • While others should avoid hitting you, you must also try to avoid being hit whenever you can.
  • If someone roleplays threatening you physically (ie raising their weapon and verbally acknowledging you are non-com), you take 1 point of damage. You are only required to lose 1HP in total this way during any mission or battle, but may opt to take more damage if you feel it is thematically suitable for the situation you’re in.
  • Non-com status is not immunity to any in-game effects, but you are trusted to roleplay the effects as much as you are comfortably able to.

Interacting with Non-Coms

  • You must avoid hitting non-coms. If in a situation where you require harming them, this must be roleplayed as you threatening them without making any contact with them (ie raising your weapon and pausing) and you must verbally acknowledge their non-com status so they know you are aware of it and won’t make contact.
  • If a non-com is separated from their group or at the back of a retreat, they should not be aggressively chased; instead focus on chasing high-mobility individuals.

In-Game Conflict Consequences

Non-com status and the NO GO hand gesture must not be used to avoid consequences. If you are non-com and have done something that another character seeks to harm you for, you should negotiate a scene between you or agree on a different way to continue the conflict, with a referee present at request. You will not lose your character permanently through one of these negotiated scenes unless you opt-in to that.

Tracking Non-Coms

Non-coms are encouraged to announce their status to referees at the start of the event or before entering a situation with combat risks, so they can better plan situations and adapt them to your needs in advance.

Crew members are encouraged to report to referees whenever someone uses STOP: THUMBS DOWN or says “NON-COM” to opt-out of fights. This is tracked to help identify dangerous situations and monitor how much it gets used, and by who. Referees may occasionally come and check in with you to get feedback on the non-com experience so we can improve our mission design and rules.


OC Camping Area

The OC camping area closest to the IC camp and toilet amenities is reserved for accessible camping. You do not need to apply in advance to use this area, however we do recommend contacting us so we can gauge how much space is required.

We require tents in the OC accessibility area to have at least 3m clearance in front of them, and for there to be a clear 3m road for each row.

Parking next to OC tents is only permitted at certain venues.

IC Camp Planning

Individuals with accessibility needs will have priority with camp plans, to enable them to stay in the game as much as possible and offset mobility and fatigue-based breaks. You will be given options on camping locations based on your individual requirements.

All camp plans are designed with 2m minimum paths between camps, and a 3m road between the main area and car park for ambulance access. Vehicles are only permitted on the IC field during Time In in emergencies. While we design our camps to be as accessible as possible, it is also down to individuals pitching their tents to be courteous to their neighbours. Anyone who has pitched their tent in an unsafe manner or who blocks an existing tent’s access with ropes will be helped to move their tent to a more suitable pitch.

We do not regulate whether attendees tents are fully accessible: modern tents and some bell tents may not be accessible to wheelchair users. We ask that attendees make efforts to provide accessible spaces in any larger group tents they intend to invite other players to. 

Game provided tents will always be wheelchair accessible.

Electricity Supply

We strive to provide free electricity for charging and powering medical equipment at all of our events in as many camping areas as possible. Please contact us at in advance to discuss your requirements; if you turn up on the day without arranging anything in advance, we may not be able to meet your requirements.

Accessible electricity is intended solely for charging wheelchairs, CPAP machines, and other medical equipment. It should not be used to power lighting or mini-fridges (outside of requirements for storing medication) without explicitly checking in advance.


Parking next to tents is only permitted at certain venues; please check in advance or when you arrive to find out where you can park. The closest car park area to the IC camp and accessibility camp will be assigned as the accessible car park in all cases.

Cars must never block access to someone else’s tent, even temporarily.

Ground Conditions

Our events take place in a variety of venues, from farm fields and woodland to halls and buildings.

We choose venues that have predominantly flat main areas, but there may be some gradual or sheer slopes in certain areas. Each event will link to a venue document describing the ground conditions. If there are any step entrances or stairs these will also be listed.

The ground in woodland areas will usually be less even than the fields, and not all areas may be passable to wheelchair users. If you are unsure whether the woods will be suitable for you to traverse, you can ask a member of the crew to accompany you to see them prior to the game so you can make your own assessment.

Toilets and Showers

There will be toilets or portaloos at all our venues, usually located close to OC camping. A map of their location will be provided before the event. If the site doesn’t have a dedicated toilet block and instead relies on portaloos, there will always be at least one wheelchair accessible portaloo.

Not all venues will have shower access, however we are seeking to improve on this each year. Please check the event’s venue document to find details on any shower availability.

Games Operation Desk (GOD)

All out-of-character administration is operated through the GOD tent, which may be combined with the crew area for smaller games.

When you arrive, you need to sign in here, and collect your player packs. There are usually short queues on Friday after GOD opens. If you need to nominate someone to collect your player pack and do any admin on your behalf, please inform a referee or contact us in advance so we can note this on your account.

First Aid

Our first aid team are based out of our crew area. Refrigeration for medication is available, but we recommend contacting us in advance to coordinate.


Some of our larger events may have dedicated caterers or trade stalls. These may be in the IC or OC area depending on the specifics of the event; details will be posted in advance to the website.

Water Supply

Our venues will have water supplies, either from a building or from stand pipes around the site. The ground around stand pipes may become boggy with their use.


Most outdoor venues will not have lighting provided at night, with all lighting provided by firepits and other attendees. We may be able to provide limited lighting in the main areas of the camp or on large woodland quests, but this will vary between each event.

We recommend you bring a small light to attach to your belt or costume to help with your footing when exploring unlit areas.

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