Frequently Asked Questions
Or not so frequently asked, but still helpful
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Questions asked on our facebook group and discord server will get added here or clarified on a suitable page.
There is In Character and Out of Character camping space for players and crew. There are bunks available for those with accessibility needs.
Yes you can! There are multiple hotels a 10 minute drive away in Bedford.
Yes, however our venue charges an extra £20 per night for these, which includes a power hookup. Campervans and caravans are only permitted in the car park.
We have limited bunk space available in shared rooms on application only for those with accessibility needs primarily, but transport needs will be considered once all accessibility needs are met. Please get in touch directly to discuss this option.
For IC camping, players with mobility needs will be prioritised to either be nearest the main part of the camp, or on the side closest to the toilet block, at their choice.
For OC camping, players with mobility needs will have a dedicated space next to the car park and toilet block.
Yes, there is electricity available when hiring extension leads from the venue (£10 for power & cable).
For those with accessibility needs, such as CPAP machines or charging power scooters, we will cover this charge.
We do not currently have a caterer confirmed; attendees should plan to self-cater.
There are several fridges near the IC camping area that players are welcome to use. Items stored there are at your own risk and must be labelled.
There is a microwave and kettle in the crew hut.
Crew will have full access to the small kitchen in the crew hut.
We are still in the process of confirming a crew caterer.
Yes, there are washing up sinks attached to the main toilet block.
There will be a ticket option available in the shop when player tickets go live to sign up as general crew for each event. You’ll then be sent an email with an invite to the crew discord server.
Yes! These roles are hand picked, and you do not need to wait until general crew sign-ups go live. Contact us directly to inquire about these roles.
Needed for Event 1:
6x IC game mechanics support roles
4x Faction support roles
We have a number of crew support roles available, including make-up artist, head of wardrobe, and head of set dressing. These roles don’t require contributions between events and are primarily about managing these areas at the event.
We are always looking for more first aiders, please get in touch if you have a first aid qualification and plan to crew.
Player Characters
All aliens can call any planet their home! Each species has a homeworld they evolved on, but they have all spread out within the galaxy, jointly populating new planets.
All player characters must be from one of the planets listed. We may add more planet origins in the future.
No, you can only play an alien from the playable list. More aliens will be introduced throughout the story, which may become playable based on player action.
Ship Departments
Yes, all player characters must be part of one of the four departments. These are the game factions, and will determine which large missions you go on.
Not necessarily! Your player group is not limited by Department, Planet Origin, or Alien. We have several different classifications of group, and you can be members of multiple groups.
Department Group: A subsection of a Ship Department.
Social Group: A group with no game restriction on membership, but you are welcome to have your own restrictions.
Task Group: A short-term, in-character formed group to perform a specific job. These groups are not usually recorded on the game system formally.
Yes, you will be able to change departments during an event or between events if things aren’t working out. Department choices are intended to be long-term decisions, and only one change is permitted during an event.
No, you must be part of one of the written departments. We do not currently plan on adding any more departments, and any that do get added in the future will be designed by the game team.
Costume and Props
Ardent Spacers characters are all original characters, and the game is not based on any one particular piece of media.
Iconic items of clothing should be heavily edited if used as part of a costume, to avoid them being instantly recognisable.
Very iconic armour, primarily helmets, is to be avoided. If wearing larp-suitable cosplay armour, you should forgo the most iconic parts (such as a Master Chief or Stormtrooper helmet) and cover iconic game logos (such as the Warhammer 40K eagle). Wear your own custom costume parts and accessories over the top, mix-and-match armour parts, or if possible repaint sections of the armour to make it more your own. We realise many people will only have access to cosplay armour, and that original sci-fi armour is hard to purchase, and want to balance this with the fact this is an original setting.
Iconic military items should be avoided, whether historic or modern. Cavalry jackets, full camo outfits, ghillie suits, and historic medal bars are not suitable for this game. No real world cap badges or military unit insignia may be used.
Avoid camo fabric, especially forest and desert camo, as this is not a military game. Grey digital camo in fits the setting a bit better, but we’d prefer players to use more sci-fi designs such as hex patterns where possible.
Small camo sections of costume may work for planets who recycle their costume parts, but it should never look like you’ve just walked out of a military surplus store.
Fantasy and historic armour should only ever be used in small sections and not as full outfits, keeping in mind that this is a futuristic game.
Fantasy clothing such as viking tunics and medieval tabards are not on-brief for players.
Real metal tools for roleplay are ok to use in the player camp provided they do not have a sharp blade, but must not be brought out in active combat.
On missions, only larp-safe foam or rubber tools are permitted, unless explicitly stated in the mission brief.
LARP Weapons and NERF Blasters
Yes! All LARP weapons that are permitted at the average UK LARP are permitted at this game.
LARP melee weapons should avoid iconic fantasy looks where possible: a plain sword is much better than an ice crystal one.
We realise sci-fi specific melee weapons aren’t common, but encourage everyone to seek out sci-fi, post-apoc, modern or plain metal designs when buying new props.
Currently not. We may review this in the future, but currently want to focus on Blasters being the main ranged combat method.
We permit any nerf blasters (official, off-brand or homemade) that can fire elite darts, half darts, mega darts, or rival rounds.
FPS Limits:
Elite: 130 FPS
Rival: 110 FPS
Mega: 95 FPS
Rocket: 65 FPS
There will be a chronograph at events to test the FPS of every blaster before it is allowed to be used at the game.
All Blasters must be painted.
Painting must be semi-realistic; bright colours are permitted, but they must be a clear painted choice that matches your character concept, and not the default orange/blue of NERF blasters.
Yes! So long as it fits within the FPS limit and is safely constructed, any blaster may be used at this game. Any electrical work must be photographed to show the safety team, and we may require you to open it up under extenuating circumstances.
Lithium batteries may be used, but we currently do not allow compressed gas blasters. We are open to small-scale testing of the latter but this must be organised with the team in advance.
Lithium batteries must be properly housed inside blasters to protect against mechanic shock. You must also bring a suitable heat-proof container for storing any spare or discharged lithium batteries so they cannot become fire hazards.
NERF and shop brands
Permitted: NERF Elite, NERF Mega, NERF Rival, NERF Accustrike, NERF Demolisher Rocket, XShot universal darts
Banned: Nerf “dart tag” darts, BOOMco darts, original style XShot darts, Vortex, Ultra Rounds
Permitted: Half darts, Koosh darts, Waffle darts (X-tip, Z-tip, Stacked), Accufake
Banned: Suction cup, Volberry, Full Vinyl Jacket (FVJ), Vinyl Tipped Nipple (VTN), DRATS, Modified Darts
Many aftermarket darts are not suitable for this game, and it can be difficult to tell from shop listings exactly what type they are (even if they’re listed as elite darts). We recommend buying a sample before making a bulk order.
To check if your dart is safe for those that look similar to elite darts: if you squeeze the tip and it goes inwards, it’s safe. If it’s hard or bulges outwards, it’s banned.