Event Accessibility

Event 1: Maiden Voyage

Concession Tickets

Concession tickets are available to help low-income individuals, offering a £15 discount.

To apply, simply choose the concessions option on the ticket page. In the “Add Notes” section of the purchase, please state the reason from the following list, and if required, name your carer.

You are eligible for a concession ticket if one of the following applies:

  • In receipt of state benefits
    • Including Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance, and the State Pension
  • Are a carer for another attendee

Carer ticket options are agreed on a case by case basis depending on the individual’s level of requirements, as well as our per-person running costs. As a guideline:

  • If a carer is required to accompany the individual they are caring for at all times, will only be minimally engaging in the event and are there primarily to fulfil the care requirements of the individual, the carer will be granted a free ticket.
  • If the carer will be fully engaging in the event themselves but is required to give part-time care in order for the individual to attend, they will be eligible for the standard concession.



  • Priority parking near IC camping field.
  • Main camp on a well kept, flat field with good water drainage. Large accessible woodland space with dirt tracks. Some further sections of the woodland are less accessible due to small drainage streams across the main path.
  • Main toilet block contains accessible toilets and showers.
  • Fridge access for medication.
  • Mains power for CPAP and mobility aid charging free in all camping areas for medical aids only (16 amp plug with extension cords).
  • Bunk availability in shared rooms for accessibility needs only. Please email in.
    • (Crew area only; we do not have access to the lodge on the main field due to a useage covenant).

Crew Parking

  • Arrive at the main purple Leslie Sell sign ///festivity.increases.format
  • Please only use this entrance for pre-arranged parking.
  • Please park next to other cars using the available space efficiently, there are no marked parking spaces.
  • Please add a parking slip with your name in your windshield. Printouts will be available at sign-in.

Player Parking

  • Ignore the first purple Leslie Sell sign, drive down the next road with the field on your right.
  • Take the next left for the secondary site entrance ///emblem.fruity.uncouth
  • Drive down a short road, bearing right at the end to enter the main car park.
  • Main Car Park rules:
    • Priority parking in this area is for those who:
      • Have mobility-based accessibility requirements.
      • Need to leave throughout the weekend or are sleeping off-site.
      • Need to leave before Time-Out Sunday.
    • Do not obstruct the two main routes through the main car park (into the IC or OC fields).
  • Please add a parking slip with your name in your windshield. Printouts will be available at sign-in.
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