Crewing is a great way to get into the game. General Volunteer Crew will play a variety of characters throughout each event, from allies and rivals to aggressive enemy forces. Crewing is free, though you’ll need to sign up via the shop as spaces are limited. There will be roles available for combatants, non-combatants, and low mobility individuals.
Basic catering is provided for all crew. Where venues have bunks, crew will have priority when applying for this accommodation after accessibility requests have been met. Otherwise, there is plenty of out-of-character camping space.
There will often be downtime in the evenings for crew, so you should also come up with your own Ardent character to socialise during these times. These characters will all be general A-COM staff.
Available Roles
In addition to general crew roles, we have a number of specific roles available. If you wish to apply, get in touch directly through the Fakelore Games facebook page or our email We’ll be casting these roles in teams to match the most suitable crew members together. It’s recommended that you get a crew ticket from the shop before you apply, unless you will only attend the event if you get that role.
In-Character Roles
A-COM Officers – Gameplay Area Leaders
The social link between crew and players, known IC as A-COM Officers. These NPCs direct the players on the event’s missions, delegating the starting tasks and keeping track of player progress, touching base with everyone in their related divisions throughout the event. They give out plot-drops as required, and feed back to crew on how things are going. They are also responsible for managing promotions of player characters so that the factions become mainly player lead.
This is an at-event role with minimal involvement between events (primarily to give feedback about their division’s plot and how they think players will react). Each NPC is jointly responsible for two divisions, so they’ll be working closely with one another as well as with their related Mechanics Ref.
Crew applying for this role should have strong leadership qualities, a good memory for names, and be comfortable with public speaking. You do not need to be a combatant or have high mobility as this is an in-camp role.
A-COM Administrators – IC Mechanics Referees
The mechanics operators, known IC as A-COM Administrators. These NPCs manage the game mechanics admin, but IC. They’ll each have an info sheet on their specific gameplay area, and are the main point of contact to ask mechanics queries and request ref oversight for RP such as complex surgeries. They’ll also manage items for their gameplay area, and track resource-based plots (ie the ship needs 20 metal for repairs, find it and bring it to this NPC).
This is an at-event role that will require good familiarity with the mechanics prior to the event. There are 4 dedicated mechanics roles (combat, biomed, engineering, diplomacy) and 2 general roles to support everyone, working in a central hub area or their relative faction.
Crew applying for this role should have good communication and logistical skills, an eye for detail, and be happy to perform repetitive admin tasks while maintaining an in-character atmosphere. You do not need to be a combatant or have high mobility as this is an in-camp role.
Head of Division (temporary)
Each division requires a temporary leader until players are successfully promoted into the position. This will be at minimum until Saturday at Event 1, but may be longer and potentially span multiple events based on player action.
Crew applying for this role should have strong leadership and roleplay skills, and be comfortable with IC conflict. You will need to be comfortable in combat and have decent mobility; this role is not suitable for non-coms.
IC and OC Photographers
We have several spaces for photographers, which we’d prefer to be done from IC roles (at minimum, in IC suitable costume). If you’re interested in being a dedicated photographer for the event, do get in touch!
Out-of-Character Roles
Lead Makeup Artist
Do you like makeup, facepaint, and the occasional bit of fake blood? Do you have experience with larp makeup or prosthetics? Can you make impromptu guts, work with latex, or are willing to give it a go?
We’re looking for someone to lead the makeup and grisly SFX for the game, who’s able to coordinate with crew members to get temporary assistants during the event as required. This is an at-event role where your materials will be provided for you, but you’re of course welcome to assist with event prep if you’d like.
Head of Crew Wardrobe
Do you like dressing people up, co-ordinating outfits and generally making them look good? Can you maintain an organised costume storage area, directing crew members to put things back correctly and organise drying out costumes in wet weather?
This is an at-event role that requires a lot of crew co-ordination and organisation, as well as an eye for fashion. You won’t be responsible for sourcing or making costume, but you’re of course welcome to assist with event prep if you’d like.
Head of Set Dressing
Can you make a woodland look like it’s an alien planet, with props, set dressing, and tactically placed lights? Can you turn a tent into a medbay, a marquee into a command base, or gazebos into radio stations? Are you comfortable going up ladders to get things into the top of tents or up trees?
We’re looking for someone to help bring the main base to life, putting up posters, banners, and a variety of props. You’ll also be required throughout the weekend to make encounter zones look good, coordinating other crew to help with setup. Being comfortable lifting heavy objects is not required but will be useful.
Head of Camp Planning and Setup
Can you coordinate crew to put up tents in the right place? Are you a good communicator, able to direct players to the right place to setup their own tents? Are you confident with how to set up a variety of large tents?
We’re looking for someone to lead the camp setup, and help with any large structures in the encounter areas. You’ll direct players and crew alike at the event to get tents set up quickly and safely, following the camp plan and making decisions on any changes needed. You’ll need to be comfortable lifting heavy canvas and poles, and a good communicator.
Head First Aider
Do you have in-date first aid certification? Are you comfortable treating minor injuries, and co-ordinating getting injured attendees to the local hospital?
This role doesn’t require you to be a driver, as we’ll need at least one first aider to remain on site at all times.
We have companies we are contacting for quotes on first aid coverage in case we cannot find volunteers.
Other Crew Roles
We have several more at-event and event prep roles we are looking to fill but are not currently advertising publicly. If you have game team experience and are looking to get involved with the game more, please do get in touch!