Arbitration & Intelligence Division

As the Ardent rides out into the unknown, it is not merely a lens through which the Alliance may peer at the stars: it is also a means by which unfamiliar species can learn about the Alliance, its history, and the variety of life that thrives under its banner. The Ardent’s embassy module is accordingly luxurious, stocked to entertain guests of any species – and to glean critical information from pleasantries and subtle gestures. Even in space, diplomacy and espionage go hand in hand.

The official diplomatic corps of the Alliance belong to a single organisation called DIPLO. The embassy division aboard the Ardent goes by the same name, in conscious continuity with the broader Alliance and the past. An elevator’s worth of diplomatic agents will have at least a century of experience between them, and centuries more of protocol to draw upon.

It is this knowledge of procedure and of internal affairs (aboard the Ardent, and in the Alliance at large) that allow DIPLO to fulfil another purpose aboard the Ardent: that is, providing legal advice. In addition to its bars, holotheatres and raphigraph suites, the DIPLO module is honeycombed with unassuming little offices – courts, in a word, in which Alliance law is wielded with a surgeon’s care.

DIPLO agents in the field wear blue accents: it is part of their division’s credo that they be as accessible and transparent as possible.

DIPLO agents are the diplomatic corps of the Ardent, naturally. While they aren’t members of the A-COM bridge crew, their faction plots lean on classic Star Trek “bridge” plots – intrigue, play and counterplay, and much ado about holodecks. Their gameplay pillars are Diplomacy and Bio-Med, with the latter focussing on understanding other forms of life rather than medicine per se.

  • Gather, interpret and disseminate sensitive mission-critical information
  • Identify rival intelligence agents, and distract or disable them if necessary
  • Keep clearance-sensitive data out of the wrong hands
  • Host diplomatic engagements
  • Uphold Alliance law in non-Alliance space
  • Counsel, whenever possible.
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